Tuesday, February 17, 2009


If I was deserted on the crazy ass LOST island, and I mean crazy because there's so much hot ass on that bitch, I think I'd like to be sadwiched as such...

Jack -- Because I could stare at the scruffy grill for hours, and I don't care how gnarly his fish and fruit breath is. He's lovely, and so tortured. I like that.

A little ME action right below him, because I am a lazy lover. Ooh legs in the ayer!

Sawyer -- Because I like the feel of a scruff beard on the back of my neck. Also, he'd whisper snarky, insulting things in my ear. Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen!

And a little Hurley in there. More cushion for..well, you know. Plus, he's super cuddly and adorable. Also, you know he'd bring snacks, and I appreciate a man who supplies sustenance during manwich sexplosions.